The Berkshire Echo 81
October 2017: Hooting and bludgeons in the fields - Broken Windows - Captain Swing: a contemporary view - Russian Echoes - New to the Archives
October 2017: Hooting and bludgeons in the fields - Broken Windows - Captain Swing: a contemporary view - Russian Echoes - New to the Archives
The Berkshire Echo 80
July 2017: The Assizes - A Reading Judge - Applause in Court: the juror's tale - New to the Archives
July 2017: The Assizes - A Reading Judge - Applause in Court: the juror's tale - New to the Archives
The Berkshire Echo 79
April 2017: Caroline Norton and the Reform of Child Custody - A Private Arrangement: Separate Ways in Sunningdale - Marriage and Illegitimacy in the Middle Ages - Dubious Paternity - A Private Arrangement: the Pregnant Maid - New to the Archives
April 2017: Caroline Norton and the Reform of Child Custody - A Private Arrangement: Separate Ways in Sunningdale - Marriage and Illegitimacy in the Middle Ages - Dubious Paternity - A Private Arrangement: the Pregnant Maid - New to the Archives
The Berkshire Echo 78
January 2017: Clewer House of Mercy: an Overview - Entering the House of Mercy: a Penitent testifies - New to the Archives
January 2017: Clewer House of Mercy: an Overview - Entering the House of Mercy: a Penitent testifies - New to the Archives