The Berkshire Echo 77
October 2016: Before the Conquest: a picture of Anglo Saxon Berkshire - Origins of Berkshire as the Royal County - English, French or Latin: Language and the Conquest - New to the archives
October 2016: Before the Conquest: a picture of Anglo Saxon Berkshire - Origins of Berkshire as the Royal County - English, French or Latin: Language and the Conquest - New to the archives
The Berkshire Echo 76
July 2016: Public Assistance in Berkshire: a new way of helping the poor; The 1930s; Children in Care; After the War - The Pauper Taint Persists - New to the Archives
July 2016: Public Assistance in Berkshire: a new way of helping the poor; The 1930s; Children in Care; After the War - The Pauper Taint Persists - New to the Archives
The Berkshire Echo 75
April 2016: Pea Soup and step-dancing: Irish internees in Reading - 'Traitors all': the Easter Rising seen from Berkshire - New to the Archives
April 2016: Pea Soup and step-dancing: Irish internees in Reading - 'Traitors all': the Easter Rising seen from Berkshire - New to the Archives
The Berkshire Echo 74
January 2016: An essentially English architect - "Useless to employ first classed architects" in Slough? - New to the Archives
January 2016: An essentially English architect - "Useless to employ first classed architects" in Slough? - New to the Archives