Parish Registers

You can use this search to see which Church of England parishes have deposited registers with us, and also what microform or transcript copies we have of those

The guide covers all the parishes in the Church's Archdeaconry of Berkshire, which is roughly the same area as the historic county. The guide also includes parishes in the Archdeaconry of Buckinghamshire which are within the present Berkshire county borders.

If you need to look up something in one of the registers, please contact us.


C = Christenings
M = Marriages
B = Burials
T & I = Transcripts and Indexes
MIs = Monumental inscriptions
IGI = International Genealogical Index

Parish Name Ref Code D/P C M B Major Gaps Microform Copies Transcripts and Indexes
Wallingford All Hallows136No registers; CB 1711-1796, M 1711-1752, see St MaryMIs : T/A 67/7
Wallingford Castle140No registers
Wallingford St Leonard1371711-19671711-20211711-1975CMB 1672-1711, see St MaryC 1711-1967, M 1711-1975, B 1711-1975
Wallingford St Mary the More1381638-19521654-20201671-1976M 1662-1667, B 1679-1710C 1638-1919, M 1654-1977, B 1671-1976
Wallingford St Peter1391711-19691769-19671711-1969CMB 1672-1711, see St MaryC 1711-1969, M 1769-1967, B 1711-1969T & I: C 1605-1969, M 1605-1967, B 1612-1930
Waltham St Lawrence1411558-19941558-20031558-1995CMB 1656-1668C 1558-1972, M 1558-1990 B 1558-1995T: C 1558-1962, M 1558-1933, B 1558-1969, BTs CMB 1710-1723 I: C 1813-1962, M 1837-1933, B 1931-1969 IGI: C 1559-1754, 1775-1812, M 1559-1811
Wantage St Peter and St Paul1431538-20071538-2020 (with gap 1989-2006)1543-2013 (with gap 1965-1987)C 1538-1942, M 1538-1944, B 1543-1935T & I: C 1538-1942, M 1538-1812, B 1543-1812 IGI: C 1538-1812, M 1538-1837 MIs: Searchroom
Warfield St Michael the Archangel1441568-19801568-20121568-1987CB 1572-1684, M 1572-1592, 1599-1685C 1568-1980, M 1568-1981, B 1568-1922T: C 1568-1571, 1593-1598, 1779-1812, M 1568-1571, 1593-1598, 1755-1812, B 1568-1571, 1593-1598, 1779-1839 BTs: CMB 1607-1778 I: C 1568-1840, M 1569-1837, B 1569-1840 IGI: C 1685-1875, M 1594-1885 MIs: Searchroom
Wargrave St Mary1451538-20031539-20101539-2006C 1538-1970, M 1539-2006, B 1539-1940T: CMB 1538-1840 BTs CMB 1776-1779 I: C 1538-1840
Warren Row St Paul164BNot deposited (baptisms only); pre 1894 see Knowl Hill, Hurley and Wargrave
Wasing St Nicholas1461730-19931730-20101730-1990M 1833-1838, 1975-1981C 1730-1993, M 1730-1974, B 1730-1990T: CB 1730-1837, M 1730-1832 BTs: CMB 1607-1728 IGI: C 1730-1812, M 1731-1808
Watchfield St Thomas112C1858-19461858-19741861-1990C 1858-1946, M 1858-1958T & I: C 1858-1946, M 1858-1958, B 1861-1982
Welford St Gregory1471562-20141603-19991559-2013M 1749-1753C 1562-1948, M 1603-1982, B 1559-1900T: C 1562-1812, M 1603-1812, B 1559-1812 BTs: CMB 1812-1835 IGI: C 1562-1812, M 1603-1748
Wendover (Bucks)B 1863-1921
Westcott (Bucks)C 1867-1974
Wexham St MaryAt Bucks ROC 1728-1882, M 1728-1933, B 1728-1984IGI: C 1728-1875, M 1728-1876
Whitchurch St Mary148At Oxfordshire Archives
White Waltham St Mary1421563-19621563-20191563-2008C 1563-1962, M 1563-1993, B 1563-1937T: CMB 1563-1837 IGI: C 1567-1812, M 1565-1792
Wickham and Hoe Benham St Swithin147B1649-18121649-1978M 1813-1837; M 1754-1812 abstract only; CM before 1649 and all B, see WelfordC 1649-1812, M 1649-1812T: CMB 1559-1812 BTs CMB 1813-1835 IGI: C 1649-1812, M 1672-1812
Willen (Bucks)C 1665-1980, M 1666-1933, B 1666-1984
Windsor All Saints149B1897-19641867-1966B 1973-1988 see St John the BaptistC 1897-1964, M 1867-1966
Windsor Holy Trinity1661844-19651844-1989No burialsC 1853-1965, M 1844-1989
Windsor St Saviour166B1876-1911
Windsor, New: St John Baptist1491559-19661559-19671559-1988B 1894-1972 Funerals only 1973-1987C 1559-1966, M 1559-1967, B 1559-1900T & I: CMB 1559-1837
Windsor, Old: St Peter and St Andrew1501772-19741755-19701772-1940C 1861-1897, 1898 (incomplete), 1899-1848C 1772-1861, 1898, M 1755-1884, B 1772-1940T: CB 1772-1850, M 1754-1850 BTs: CMB 1611-1777 I: B 1772-1899 IGI: C 1772-1812, M 1755-1812
Wing (Bucks)C 1870-1881
Winkfield St Mary1511564-19881564-20011564-1961M 1671-1719C 1564-1988, M 1564-1987, B 1564-1961T: C 1564-1841, M 1564-1838, B 1564-1812 I: M 1564-1837, B 1564-1838 MIs: Searchroom
Winnersh St Mary73CNot deposited; see Bear Wood and Hurst
Winslow (Bucks)B 1894-1930
Winterbourne St James the Less34C1565-19271564-19761567-1979M 1647-1673C 1565-1927, M 1564-1976, B 1567-1979T: C 1564-1851, M 1564-1837, B 1567-1850 BTs CMB 1622-1637, 1696-1699, M 1642-1673 I: B 1567-1979 IGI: C 1565-1875, M 1564-1722, 1731-1885 MIs: Searchroom
Wittenham, Little: St Peter1521538-19911539-19861543-1992M 1749-1756C 1538-1991, M 1539-1986, B 1543-1992T & I: C 1538-1991, M 1538-1986, B 1543-1992 IGI: C 1538-1813, M 1539-1668, 1682-1836
Wittenham, Long: St Mary1531577-19791561-19781737-1979C 1628-1735, M 1630-1735C 1577-1628, 1735-1979, M 1561-1630, 1735-1978, B 1737-1979T & I: C 1577-1901, M 1561-1943, B 1607-1930 IGI: C 1577-1627, 1736-1875, M 1561-1629, 1736-1811, 1837-1885
Wokefield120BNo registers; see Stratfield Mortimer
Wokingham All Saints1541674-19551674-19711674-1947C 1674-1955, M 1674-1971, B 1674-1947T: B 1813-1841 IGI: C 1674-1812, M 1675-1812 MIs: Searchroom
Wokingham St Paul154B1864-19761864-19951864-1961C 1864-1976, M 1864-1976 B 1864-1961
Wokingham St Sebastian154C1864-19771865-19611866-2002For earlier registers see All Saints
Woodhay, West: St Lawrence1551653-19861657-20191657-1985CB 1688-1692, 1745-1769 M 1688-1692, 1745-1755C 1653-1745, 1769-1986, M 1657-1745, 1755-1984, B 1657-1745, 1769-1985T&I: C 1653-1744, 1770-1851, M 1612-1851, B 1653-1744, 1770-1812 BTs: CMB 1612-1637, 1744-1776 IGI: C 1725-1744, 1770-1812, M 1653-1812
Woodley St James196BSee Southlake St James
Woodley St John1961881-20011881-2003See SonningB see SonningM 1881-1979MIs: Searchroom
Woolhampton St Peter1561635-19801636-20101636-1926C 1748-1761 M 1644-1653, 1748-1753, B 1645-1652, 1747-1761C 1635-1872, M 1636-1983, B 1636-1926T: CB 1636-1747, 1761-1840, M 1636-1747, 1754-1837 BTs: CB 1607-1637, 1668-1761, M 1607-1637, 1668-1761, 1800-1812 MIs: Searchroom and strongroom
Woolstone All Saints134CNot deposited; pre 1849 see UffingtonT & I: C 1654-1988, M 1663-1981, B 1654-1987
Woolstone, Great (Bucks)M 1838-1937, B 1813-1944T & I: CMB 1813-1937
Woolstone, Little (Bucks)M 1837-1946T & I: CMB 1813-1937
Wootton St Peter1571657-19791725-19771732-1947M 1774-1811C 1657-1979, M 1725-1773, 1812-1977, B 1786-1947T & I: C 1657-1952, M 1725-1773, 1812-1851, B 1732-1947 BTs: C 1607-1656, M 1607-1724, 1805-1812, B 1607-1731
Wotton Underwood (Bucks)C 1599-1882, M 1604-1881, B 1599-1882
Woughton-on-the-Green (Bucks)C 1558-1652, M 1558-1837, B 1558-1812T: CMB 1556-1653
Wraysbury St AndrewAt Bucks ROC 1734-1902, M 1746-1932, B 1734-1940MIs: Searchroom
Wytham All Saints158At Oxfordshire ArchivesT: CMB 1558-1984 MIs: BRO library