Non Parochial Registers

By 'non parochial', we mean all registers of births/baptism, marriages and deaths/burials that we hold, but that are not Church of England parish registers.

Usually, these registers have come from another faith organisation, but the guide does include registers from workhouses and municipal cemeteries too.


D/N etc= Royal Berkshire Archive document reference
IGI = International Genealogical Index
MF = Royal Berkshire Archive microfilm number
TNA = The National Archives
RPC = Regents Park College, Oxford
T&I = Transcripts and indexes

Place Institution Lists Original Document Microform Copies Transcripts and Indexes
ReadingBourne Memorial Methodist Church, Whitley WoodBaptisms 1949-1979D/MS 54/5A/1
ReadingBourne Memorial Methodist Church, Whitley WoodMarriages 1952-1968D/MS 54/5B/1
ReadingBourne Memorial Methodist Church, Whitley WoodMarriages 1968-1979D/MS 54/5B/2
ReadingBroad Street Independent/ Congregational ChurchBirths 1715-1786At TNAMF 598IGI
ReadingBroad Street Independent/ Congregational ChurchBaptisms 1764-1836At TNAMF 598IGI
ReadingBroad Street Independent/ Congregational ChurchBaptisms 1786-1836D/N11/8/1/1MF 30328
ReadingBroad Street Independent/ Congregational ChurchBaptisms 1843-1880D/N11/1/2/2
ReadingBroad Street Independent/ Congregational ChurchBaptisms 1895-1897D/N11/1/2/4
ReadingBroad Street Independent/ Congregational ChurchBaptisms 1900-1911D/N11/8/3/8
ReadingBroad Street Independent/ Congregational ChurchBaptisms 1953-1983D/N11/8/3/10-13
ReadingBroad Street Independent/ Congregational ChurchMarriages 1908-1918D/N11/8/1/2MF 30884
ReadingBroad Street Independent/ Congregational ChurchDeaths 1759-1775At TNAMF 598
ReadingBroad Street Independent/ Congregational ChurchBurials 1759-1775,1787-1837At TNAMF 598
ReadingBroad Street Independent/ Congregational ChurchBurials 1836-1869D/N11/8/1/1MF 30328
ReadingBroad Street Independent/ Congregational ChurchBurials 1875-1881D/N11/1/2/2
ReadingBroad Street Independent/ Congregational ChurchMIsD/N 11/8/3/9; Searchroom and BRO library
ReadingCadogan Chapel (St Mary's Episcopal Chapel, Castle Street)See D/P 175
ReadingCastle Street Congregational ChurchBaptisms 1857-1862D/N9/8/1/1MF 21106
ReadingCastle Street Congregational ChurchMarriages 1857-1861D/N9/8/1/1MF 21106
ReadingCastle Street Congregational ChurchBurials 1857-1862D/N9/8/1/1MF 21106
ReadingSt James' Catholic ChurchBaptisms 1780-1783PortsmouthSearchroom
ReadingSt James' Catholic ChurchBaptisms 1783-1840PortsmouthSearchroom, IGI"
ReadingSt James' Catholic ChurchBaptisms 1840-1908Portsmouth
ReadingSt James' Catholic ChurchBaptisms 1908-dateAt church
ReadingSt James' Catholic ChurchMarriages 1780-1785PortsmouthSearchroom, IGI"
ReadingSt James' Catholic ChurchMarriages 1785-1802PortsmouthSearchroom
ReadingSt James' Catholic ChurchMarriages 1802-1825PortsmouthSearchroom, IGI"
ReadingSt James' Catholic ChurchMarriages 1825-1840PortsmouthSearchroom
ReadingSt James' Catholic ChurchMarriages 1840-1914Portsmouth
ReadingSt James' Catholic ChurchMarriages 1914-dateAt church
ReadingSt James' Catholic ChurchBurials 1780-1840PortsmouthSearchroom
ReadingSt James' Catholic ChurchBurials 1840-1944Portsmouth
ReadingSt James' Catholic ChurchBurials 1944-dateAt church
ReadingCressingham Park, Oratory of the Sacred Heart (Catholic)Baptisms 1891-1899Portsmouth
ReadingCumberland Road French CemeteryBurials 1797-1802Bayeux Diocesan ArchivesSearchroom
ReadingCumberland Road Primitive Methodist ChurchBaptisms c1940-1972D/MS 55/5A/1-2
ReadingCumberland Road Primitive Methodist ChurchMarriages 1945-1972D/MS 55/5B/1-4
ReadingCumberland Road Primitive Methodist ChurchOther records c1893-1975D/MS 55
ReadingElm Park Hall Wesleyan Methodist ChurchBaptisms 1905-1933D/MS 56/5A/1
ReadingElm Park Hall Wesleyan Methodist ChurchRecords excluding registers 1946-1962D/MS 56
ReadingFriar Street Primitive Methodist ChurchRecords excluding registers 1875-1959D/MS 58
ReadingHemdean Road Cemetery, CavershamBurials 1993-1997Reading Cemeteries OfficeT/R 388 (abstract)
ReadingHemdean Road Cemetery, CavershamMIsT/T 65
ReadingHosier Street Congregational Methodist Chapel (later Reading Central Evangelical Church)Baptisms 1865-1875D/N 19/8/2/1
ReadingHosier Street Congregational Methodist Chapel (later Reading Central Evangelical Church)Baptisms 1889-1896D/N 19/8/1/1
ReadingHosier Street Congregational Methodist Chapel (later Reading Central Evangelical Church)Baptisms 1906-1913D/N 19/8/2/1
ReadingHosier Street Congregational Methodist Chapel (later Reading Central Evangelical Church)Marriages 1867-1872, 1926-1955D/N 19/8/2/1
ReadingHosier Street Congregational Methodist Chapel (later Reading Central Evangelical Church)Records excluding registers 1850-1972D/N 19
ReadingKings Road Baptist Church (and burial ground in Church Street)Births 1735-1819D/N2/8/1/1MF 30736Searchroom
ReadingKings Road Baptist Church (and burial ground in Church Street)Births 1760-1766UnknownIGI
ReadingKings Road Baptist Church (and burial ground in Church Street)Births 1787-1837UnknownIGI
ReadingKings Road Baptist Church (and burial ground in Church Street)Births 1819-1837At TNAMF 598
ReadingKings Road Baptist Church (and burial ground in Church Street)Baptisms 1656-1914D/N2/1/1/1-2; D/N2/1/2/3-4
ReadingKings Road Baptist Church (and burial ground in Church Street)Baptisms 1771D/N2/5/1/1
ReadingKings Road Baptist Church (and burial ground in Church Street)Dedication of infants 1910-1946D/N2/8/1/2
ReadingKings Road Baptist Church (and burial ground in Church Street)Marriages 1931-1934D/N2/8/1/3MF 31000
ReadingKings Road Baptist Church (and burial ground in Church Street)Burials 1785-1835At TNAMF 598
ReadingKings Road Baptist Church (and burial ground in Church Street)MIsSearchroom
ReadingKings Road Baptist Church (and burial ground in Church Street)Records excluding registers 1656-1979D/N 2
ReadingLondon Street Chapel (Independent)Births 1821-1824At TNAMF 599IGI
ReadingLondon Street Primitive Methodist ChurchMarriages 1910-1940D/MS 59/5B/1-3
ReadingLondon Street Primitive Methodist ChurchRecords excluding registers 1891-1950D/MS 59
ReadingOxford Road Ebenezer Chapel (Independent)Births 1820-1829At TNAMF 599IGI
ReadingOxford Road Wesleyan Methodist ChurchBaptisms 1880-1996D/MS1/5A/1Searchroom; transcript only to 1982
ReadingOxford Road Wesleyan Methodist ChurchMarriage certificate stubs 1932-1971D/MS 1/5B/1
ReadingPrimitive Methodist CircuitBirths and baptisms 1831-1880D/MC 2/7A/1MF 599IGI
ReadingPrisonExecutions 1742-1846, 1893-1913P/RP 1/14/1; D/EX1569/2/1 (photocopy)
ReadingPrisonRegister of graves 1845-1910P/RP 1/15/1
ReadingSt Paul's Presbyterian Church, Caversham RoadBaptisms 1898-1989D/N43/8/1/1MF 92636
ReadingSt Paul's Presbyterian Church, Caversham RoadMarriages 1898D/N43/8/1/1MF 92636
ReadingTrinity Congregational ChurchBaptisms 1916-1977D/N10/8/1/1
ReadingTrinity Congregational ChurchBaptisms 1940-1978D/N10/8/3/3
ReadingTrinity Congregational ChurchMarriages 1916-1978D/N10/8/1/1-7
ReadingTrinity Congregational ChurchMIsSearchroom
ReadingTrinity Congregational ChurchRecords excluding registers 1846-1979D/N 10
ReadingTrinity Congregational ChurchRecords excluding registers 1871-1980D/EZ 66
ReadingTyndale Baptist ChurchRecords excluding registers 1924-1987D/N 28
ReadingUniversity war memorialMIsSearchroom
ReadingWesley Methodist Church, Queen's RoadRecords excluding registers 1873-1990D/MS 60
ReadingWesleyan Methodist CircuitBirths and baptisms 1813-1837At TNAMF 599IGI
ReadingWest Reading Methodist ChurchMarriages 1949-1961D/N 7/8
ReadingWest Reading Methodist ChurchRecords excluding registers 1824-1962D/MS 62
ReadingWhitley Hall Wesleyan Methodist ChurchMIsT/T 30
ReadingWhitley Hall Wesleyan Methodist ChurchRecords excluding registers 1849-1997D/MS 63
ReadingWhitley Wood Methodist ChurchSee Bourne Memorial
ReadingWokingham Road Primitive Methodist ChurchRecords excluding registers 1920-1951D/MS 64
ReadingWesley Methodist ChurchMarriages 1982-1994D/MS 60/5B/1MF 31259
ReadingBroad Street Independent/Congregational ChurchMarriages 1919-1932D/N 11/8/1/3MF 30886
ReadingBroad Street Independent/Congregational ChurchMarriages 1932-1937D/N 11/8/1/4MF 30887
ReadingBroad Street Independent/Congregational ChurchMarriages 1938-1957D/N 11/8/1/5MF 31000
ReadingBroad Street Independent/Congregational ChurchMarriages 1954-1981D/N 11/8/1/6MF 31001
ReadingWhitley Hall (Spring Gardens) Wesleyan Methodist ChurchMarriages 1902-1916D/MS 63/5B/1
ReadingWhitley Hall Wesleyan Methodist ChurchMarriages 1917-1932D/MS 63/5B/2
ReadingWhitley Hall Methodist ChurchMarriages 1932-1938D/MS 63/5B/3
ReadingWhitley Hall Methodist ChurchMarriages 1939-1951D/MS 63/5B/4
ReadingWhitley Hall Methodist ChurchMarriages 1951-1957D/MS 63/5B/5
ReadingWhitley Hall Methodist ChurchMarriages 1957-1961D/MS 63/5B/6
ReadingWhitley Hall Methodist ChurchMarriages 1962-1964D/MS 63/5B/7
ReadingWhitley Hall Methodist ChurchMarriages 1964-1970D/MS 63/5B/8
ReadingWhitley Hall Methodist ChurchMarriages 1970-1973D/MS 63/5B/9